Texas Pride Knife & Blade Sharpening

Knife Care


How to care for your kitchen knives

Use the correct types of cutting boards. Boards and surfaces made of glass, ceramic, marble, etc., will damage the cutting edge in the first cut. This includes cutting on dishes. Wooden and plastic boards have a much lower dulling effect, making them a much better choice. (Solid rock maple is recommended and they naturally kill bacteria.)

Store your knives properly. Keep them in a knife block or a drawer covered in a sheath to prevent damage to the edges.

Hand wash your knives. After each use, clean your knives with a sponge and warm soapy water. DO NOT put them in the dishwasher where they can knock against other utensils or plates. This can damage the thin blade.

Keep your knives dry. Knives such as carbon steel can rust very easily if left to dry in a drying rack. Be sure to wash and towel dry them immediately after use.

Steel your knives regularly. A knife's edge has a tendency to roll to either side, and even though you can't see it, the tip loses its point. Taking your knife across the steel (the metal rod that comes with many knife sets) before or after each use will help keep the edge at a point, and will help prevent the blade from getting flat and dulling more quickly.

Have your knives professionally sharpened every 6-9 months. Depending on the frequency of use, chopping technique, and care, your knives will need a little TLC every 6-9 months. Ideally, the knife should be sharpened every six months (for hobby cooks) and by the same professional each time. Every professional has an individual angle at which he or she sharpens the knife. The blade of the knife becomes sharper each time it is sharpened in the same manner by the same person.

Questions? Please contact us. We're here to help!